Four upcoming Pro-Wrestling:EVE events in June

Pro-Wrestling:EVE gave us some details on their upcoming events for June 2019 including the big Wrestle Queendom 2 show on 6/30/19 at York Hall. Tickets for all of the events are available here:

6/8/19 at The Resistance Gallery in London, U. K. with Emi Sakura, Nina Samuels, Jamie Hayter, Raven Creed, Laura Di Matteo, Kasey, Erin Angel, and Nightshade announced.

6/28/19 in Brighton, U.K. at Brighthelm Centre with Utami Hayashishita, Arisa Hoshiki, Kagetsu, Kay Lee Ray, Viper, Jordynne Grace, Jamie Hayter, Nina Samuels, Laura Di Matteo, Su Yung, and Rebel Kinney announced.

6/29/19 they are back at The Resistance Gallery in London, U.K. with a card TBA.

6/30/19 it’s Wrestle Queendom 2 at York Hall in London, U.K.

EVE Champion Kay Lee Ray vs. Viper

EVE International Champion Utami Hayashishita vs. Jamie Hayter vs. Nina Samuels

Jordynne Grace vs. Laura Di Matteo

Arisa Hoshiki vs. Roxxy

Plus- Kagetsu, Yuu, Su Yung, and more to be announced.

EVE co-owner Dann Read tells me that for sure the 6/28/19 show and Wrestle Queendom 2 will be live on EVE on Demand (they will decide later if 6/29 will air live as well). The service is $10 USD a month here

Lastly, EVE will be showing free matches from their vault on their Facebook page all during WWE’s Super Showdown on 6/7/19

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